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Acrostic poem
Mayflower was a ship that cared the selters.
And I kinda knew about the mayflower.
You learn this in 5 grad history.
Few people died on the mayflower.
Owh I don’t knew what happened to the mayflower after.
We as a class barley knew about it.
Every time I come into history I thank about mayflower.
Read about the mayflower it is reilly good
photo credit
I chose plymouth because I like the name. I also picked it is because I read about it and I liked it. The three thanks I saw when I red it sade it houses and tools and food. the poster you see up there is a plymouth. It has houses to live in and tools to work with and food to eat.I picked plymouth because it sounds like a place that I wood wont to live at.
Henry hudson
9/11 Reflections
When the first plan hit they though it was a accident. But when the second plan hit they knew it was a attic. It show a video of 9/11 I cried. A lot of lives where lost. when people ran away other people ran in they have to big wholes where the twin towers where.It was a very sad day it really was.we got knot down but we did not get know out.
The lights are brights.All of the boring people are having fun .There are colafur on the canaverl wall. There are stacks of brown wood. The harts on the wall are purple ANd I see a lot of yellow. I see fluffy anamels.
Life in 5th Grade
In 5th grade I am liking it so far.One of the reasons is because all of the teachers are nice.I also like it because I have you get to pick your seat.And I like it because we get to go to P.E… I like it also because i have a lot of friends.I like it because it is easy and fun.
Super Digital Citizen
Super hero name: Super digital man. I stop people from posting things you are not aloud to post.
Row Your Site
So Long 3rd Grade
The important thing I learned was adding.
My favorite project was anaml project.
I was most surprised by dvizin.
The thing I disliked most was reading.