history of call of duty
I set my goal to take more cair of my ant farm. I will do this by fideing and watering them.Also taking all of the left over mold or food. And giving them enought air and sun light. I thank this will befun tanking cair of all of them.and I also hope I will have fun to.
Rememberance Day
The pear harbor was attact in DEC 7,1941. And also that it started war war 2. It was a very sad day for many people. It was cool to learn. but sad at the same time. I thank you will injoy learning about it. Also I than you will be very invalved.
Christmas couplets
A is for Angle we put on the tree.That looks so pretty as you can see.
s-step away
t-tell an adult
o-okay sites first
p-pause and think online
BMX Video – Passion Project 1
The Kid Who Ram For President
Tee kid who ran for president is a book.It is about what the title says. Onuther than that at the bigan he thought that he could not run for president.In the middle he statred to belevan that he could run for president.And at the end his dream came true he was really happy he became the first kid president.
red ribbon pitchers
History or red redribben week got started dy drugs and kidnapping. my faverat week kis re ribben week.it is fun and we get to gress up in costumsn.there is a pitcher up abouv in red. we can dress as super heros and nurd day.it is really fun I thank you would like it.and my favort bay in red ribben week is super hero day.
Picture of BMX Bike

photo credit: pinterest